Thursday 21 April 2011


Tuesday April 19th

Vance is now calling today Tuesday – Shoesday!! As I bought three pair of shoes and Vance one pair, what a result.

Cartagena is a fabulous city... for me it’s the best of our stops in Spain on this cruise. We started by walking through the marina and climbed up to the old fort that today is protected by noisy peacocks. The views from the top of the fort were incredible ... we could look down on the old and new amphitheatres and had a 360 degree view of the whole city.. We then descended to the streets of Cartagena and enjoyed the wonderful shopping as the sun came out to dry the pavements before returning to the ship for our on deck noon ritual and a goodly wine assisted lunch.

Within the marina, in front to the ship is an extraordinary sight....a primitive submarine. This cigar shaped curiosity was invented by a local man Isaac Peral who launched it in 1888 and some say this was the first submarine in the world.

Tonight we had a Venetian Masquerade Party in the Observation Lounge. On arrival we World Cruisers chose and wore fabulous masks and enjoyed cocktails and entertainment on piano by Jon Courtenay a UK comedy pianist. He wrote a special song about our World Cruise to date which was so funny and apt...of course you had to be here!! I will try to get the words and publish them later.

After the party we moved into the Colonnade for another tremendous World Cruise dining experience. What a fabulous evening.

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